With a job that is full of risk, I choose to be protected by one that I can trust.

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Business runs smoothly because my employees are covered by Mandiri Inhealth.

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My performance got better because Mandiri Inhealth protects me and my family.

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As the journey of life gets more dynamic and full of twists, the protection of your health and your soul has to be upgraded. Live at ease with Mandiri Inhealth to protect you and your employees with the widest network of healthcare providers in Indonesia.


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More Than Just Health Insurance

Health Cost Growth Concern

Health costs in Indonesia are quite expensive and each year is always increasing. Plus the phenomenon of inefficient use of health services, so the medical inflation is generally higher than general inflation. At Mandiri Inhealth, we understand that commercial insurance companies can play a role in delivering more efficient healthcare expenses.

Benefit for Employees

Employees are very valuable assets. Healthy and happy employees have positive energy to work more optimally. The high cost of health is a burden for employees, because health costs are one of the family financial expenses. If the expenses are higher, then the net income that can be saved becomes less and less. Health insurance is one of the important benefits to secure the future of employees.

Cost Efficiency with High Quality Service

We offer health insurance solutions that can assist companies in managing health cost efficiently and giving quality services, by actively participating in monitoring the quality of service at the health care provider.

Benefits of Partnering

  1. Mandiri Inhealth assists companies in designing health insurance in accordance with the needs of employees and rational employee health care costs and certain.
  2. Mandiri Inhealth is a large and healthy company, with a large capital base of Rp 1 trillion.
  3. Mandiri Inhealth has professionals who are reliable and experienced in the field of health insurance
  4. Mandiri Inhealth always maintain the quality of your employees health services, by facilitating the use of services in each provider Mandiri Inhealth, that is enough to show the Inhealth Insurance Card then all costs will be borne by Mandiri Inhealth in accordance with the benefits.
  5. Mandiri Inhealth has 11 Operations Offices, 12 Marketing Offices, 34 Service Offices and the largest health service network in Indonesia to Singapore * and Malaysia * for specific products.
  6. Mandiri Inhealth provides service with no waiting time.

PT Asuransi Jiwa Inhealth Indonesia berizin dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan

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